Functional Testing and Supplements
Some of the great tools I can access as a clinical practitioner are functional diagnostic tests from private labs – including blood, urine, stool and/or saliva testing.
Rest assured that I’m not going to run unnecessary tests for the sake of it but rather, these tests and the accompanying results can give me some great insights into the root cause of health imbalances. No more guess work.
They look at:
- Genetic predisposition
- Nutritional biochemistry
- Gut and microbiome health
- Environmental toxic burden
- Inflammation
- Metabolism
- Adrenal and reproductive hormones
- Lifestyle and dietary factors
Understanding your results and the different factors involved means that I can tailor personalised nutrition and lifestyle recommendations uniquely for you. These may include supplements and along with most professional practitioner supplements I am also able to prescribe Hardy Nutritionals Daily Essential Nutrients (DEN) as seen in The Better Brain.

Some of the functional testing options provided by Bronwyn to help untangle your connections between how you feel, nutrition and lifestyle include (click on each test for further information):
- Hormones: DUTCH Test
- Gut health: GI360
- Genetics: FitGenes, DNALife
- Organic Acids: OAT
- Thyroid: Comprehensive Thyroid blood panel
- Advanced Cholesterol profile
Bronwyn also regularly refers you to your GP for conventional blood tests, which she assesses through a functional lens.

Some of the practitioner-only professional and researched supplements Bronwyn recommends include:
- Thorne
- Hardy Nutritionals Daily Essential Nutrients (DEN)
- Pure encapsulations
- RN Labs
- Microbiome Labs
- Enzyme Science
- Metabolic Maintenance
- Xymogen
- Researched Nutritionals
- Cellcore Biosciences